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A well-tuned color of the scope, with which you feel comfortable playing, is the key to the success of good shooting. In this article, we'll take a look at crosshair setup in CS 1.6.
The scope has 3 main settings:
► Size
► Color
► Dynamism
The size of the scope can be:
► Small
► Medium
► Large► Automatically adjustable
You can choose the size in the settings.
By default, the color of the scope can be:
► Green
► Red
► Blue
► Yellow► Blue
By default, only 5 colors are available.
Dynamic sight is when, for example, you run and at the same time your sight increases. With the help of this, you will understand for sure that when walking or jumping, the chances of hitting the enemy are reduced significantly.
► Console Command: cl_dynamiccrosshair 0 - Disables Dynamics.
► Console Command: cl_dynamiccrosshair 1 - Enables Dynamics.
Do not forget that additional features (such as crosshair settings) affect the skill, but first of all you need to pay attention to your game client and config. These both things must be optimized and configured.